ReNuAire Probiotic System

Clean Air In Your Home With Probiotics
The POWER of Environmental Probiotics into enclosed living
and work spaces.
Environmental Probiotics are comprised of a carefully cultured strain of probiotics called Bacillus ferment and are designed to purify the air and hard surfaces through patented technology.
Billions of probiotics are intermittently released into the air and form a microflora on hard surfaces. The good bacteria consume organic irritants such as pollen, dust mite waste, and pet dander on hard surfaces and shared objects. The power of probiotics is used to replenish indoor spaces with beneficial bacteria to purify air and prolong the cleanliness of hard surfaces.


Probiotic Ecological Balancing System
RENUAIRE’s PDS-5000 Probiotic Ecological Balancing System is the newest and most advanced all-natural solution for cleaning air and surfaces by infusing good probiotics into indoor environments.
How does a probiotic air purifier work?
The ReNUAire PDS-5000 is easily integrated into existing HVAC systems and releases our patented ReNUBiotics formula on a programmable automated interval basis.